‘The images are designed, so that after you see the picture two or three times, its no longer my film, it starts to be your film, You recognize the people, you know them, and you don’t even know who directed the picture. PlayTime is nobody.’
Jacques Tati
Week 02 of my artist residency with Mallis brought a range of site activation… digging, excavating, surveying, cleaning, notating, digging, excavating, surveying, cleaning, and notating. Juan Carlos noticed how the light was creating a rainbow through the water while he was hosing down the hillside after backfilling, he took a series of four photographs for me that I titled ‘Rainbow Matrix’.
In order of appearance.
24” x 36” x 36”
Excavator Bucket leaned against cast in place concrete wall
‘Two Times’
24”x 36” x 3”
Chalk and Nail on Concrete Slab with 1/8” Hole
‘Pythagorean’s Theorem’
40”x 60” x 3”
Oil Stick, 2x4’s and nails on 1/2 inch Plywood
‘Pool Time with Hockney and Heizer’
240”x 120” x 10”
Debris removed from Concrete Pool
‘Balanced Counterweight’
72” x 20” x 1-1/2”
Stone and 2x4 on CMU Block
‘Rainbow Matrix’
38” x 30” x 3”
Archival Prints, Nails, and 2x4’s on 1/2 inch Plywood